Silo tanks

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Silo tanks

The services of the Traldis Porta group include the option of transporting material silo tank vehicles, designed to carry grains, powders and other raw material in bulk.

The company has increased its fleet size to seven silo trailers to improve its current offer. This means it can transport large amounts of such materials safely and adequately for the type of product.

To do this, Traldis Porta uses its autonomous unloading equipment in its lorries that ensure the product is delivered free of impurities, protected from the weather and in perfect condition.

Silo tanks

Traldis Porta es un compañía andorrana especializada en soluciones logísticas y gestión aduanera.

Si desea conocer más detalles sobre nuestro servicio de depósito o almacén aduanero que ponemos a su disposición en Andorra, contacte con nosotros.